Karen Olsen
Karen Olsen grew up in Oregon but loved visiting her sisters at Carriage Manor. In 2014 Karen purchased a park model and became an official snowbird and a member of the “Carriage Manor Writers Group”. Writing did not come easy at first but with the support of the group writing has become her passion and joy. Karen writes stories of her family, for her family, from her perspective. Stories of hopes and dreams that actually do come true. Memories that she hold near and dear to her heart. Life may not always be easy, but writing is the best medicine to bring joy and laughter into her daily life. And the stories continue…
When people ask me, “what is like to live at Carriage Manor?” My reply “it’s like being back in high school.” You know, hanging out with like-minded people.
We have the Superintendent of Schools: CM President Rick Gustav and his VP Mary Candelaria who keeps the employees and clubs of Carriage Manor running smoothly.
The Dean: CM security team headed up by Jim Hopper. Jim and his team make sure we follow all the rules of the road. If not you may receive a well-earned chat with Jim. Not advised!
Administration: Employees and volunteers in the office at Carriage Manor. We need their help day in and day out. It pays to play nice, they are your best friends when you need help.
Rally queen or King: That’s Jon our activity director… he schedules all meeting rooms, bingo, dances, fund raisers and entertainment. It’s his job to schedule the clubs and keep the peace. Nobody has access of ballroom, social hall or classrooms at Carriage Manor without Jon’s stamp of approval.
Janitor: Maintenance team headed up by Nate Allred who keeps the park sparkly clean and in excellent repair.
Cafeteria: Grub club headed up by Calvin Dahl and Karen. Lunch at its best!
Students: Residents of Carriage Manor
Classes: Clubs and activities. Just like in high school you have a large selection of classes available to you. But be careful not to over book your day or you will be running to class just like in high school.
Homecoming: Carriage Manor Days, with an evening of dinner and dancing. A Saturday parade complete with hot dogs, quilt show and the ballroom (gym) lined with tables where clubs' sale and show off their beautifully crafted projects.
Just like high school we have our clicks and hierarchy. You know like the sports teams and cheerleaders. The tennis team and pickle ball teams that think they are all that and a bag of chips. They pay little attention to the rest of the clubs. We have our mean girls that love to judge others and gossip: you know, the people who shake their head and whisper in the middle of meetings. Of course, they know best. Always judgmental and quick with an opinion but never part of the solution. They never step up and help.
The residents of Carriage Manor are up at the crack of dawn, headed off for a fun filled day. I’s up to each person. Kick back at the pool or play sports. If you are bored and live at Carriage Manor, it’s nobody’s fault but your own. We have choices galore.
And... if you want to see a grown man push a dog around in a baby carriage… come to Carriage Manor. It’s a sight to see!
I have a very special memory that is not about me but about my co-worker Nancy. She had decided to enter a writing contest held by the “Today Show” in NYC. Topic: “What is the secret to healthy aging?” During lunch we each discussed our vision of what we considered to be the “secret to healthy aging”. Content with our suggestions we headed back to work. All great suggestions but Nancy had her own idea. This is what she wrote.
Nancy’s entry:
Guess what I have learned? TO BE NEEDED – Is the secret to healthy aging. It really is.
About 20 months ago, my daughter Holly was confined to the hospital for nearly a year after the birth of her second child, a boy. No one was available to care for the newborn except my mother age 76 and my father 80.
All year prior dad moped around, very depressed. His friends were passing away. All he talked about was dying, his will, styles of coffins and his burial place.
The baby went home to my mom and dad’s house, he stayed a year. On weekends my relatives, friends and I relieved my parents. Amazingly my aging parents and the rest of us were all joined together by my daughter’s tragic illness. Everyone had put aside their own worries.
My parents acted like newlyweds. “Their” baby brought them so much joy and work. We knew when “dad’s baby” got his first tooth. Dad had changed dramatically; he was young again… he was needed. As were we all. Everybody’s baby will be two this December and everybody is very proud.
Gotta go… mom needs me.
Love Nancy
My friend Nancy won an all-expense paid 3-day trip to NYC to appear on the Today Show. At the office we took up a collection to purchase Broadway Show tickets for Nancy and a nice dinner out on the town. Kindly, our boss covered the cost of her room and extra spending money, extending her trip to 7 days.
On the Today Show Nancy was interviewed by Willard Scott the weatherman. She asked, “Can I say hi to my family and friends?” Willard’s answer… “you just did!”
Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year. As a child our Christmas celebration always included a trip out to the forest to cut down a tree. After much deliberation between siblings, my dad got tired of the arguing and made the final decision and chopped down a tree. My mother was so patient letting her seven children have their way with the tree. We enjoyed bubble lights and a few ornaments from the past but the rest of the decorations were hand made. It was always a sight to behold.
My greatest childhood memories include the cold crisp air biting my cheeks and the tantalizing smell of mom in the kitchen cooking up a feast. Stockings were hung with care… not on a fireplace but on the old piano in the living room. Each year they were filled with hard candy, nuts and always an orange. I realize today it was more about the traditions of the season. The Christmas program at the Baptist Church. I always played a part. There was magic in the air that gave me great joy.
Christmas with my children and grandchildren was what I looked forward to the most. The simple decor of my past was no longer enough. More was more and this girl was more than happy to loose a little sleep to make Christmas extra special and over the top. The Christmas tree purchased at a tree farm was the perfect size and shape. It sparkled with white lights and lovely ornaments. Our home was decorated from top to bottom with treasured collections of Christmas Globes, nutcrackers, Hallmark ornaments and my little village collected over time. Decorations spilled out onto the porch and lawn. Christmas dinner was a real production from beginning to end. And cookies… tons of cookies! Each guest received a box of cookies lovingly prepared and wrapped. The entire production took weeks to pull off. But I didn’t mind. January is a very boring month in Oregon. I’ll catch up on my sleep in January.
Not much has changed over the years. I still go all out for Christmas. My Carriage Manor tradition has become a Christmas Tea Party each year with my sisters and nieces. But due to circumstances this years tea party has become a “Happy New Year’s Day Tea Party”. It’s only me this year but I don’t mind. My house and yard are still filled with the magic of Christmas. It may seem a little silly but I actually wrap a couple of gifts for myself and put under the tree. Like I’ll be surprised? No I won’t but I so love the process of Christmas… I realized over the years I did it as much for myself as for my family and friends.
There is a man
A lonely man who
Lives in the Cyber Zone
Some say he is
tall, dark and handsome
Some say he has
His head in the cloud
I say he is intelligent
With a desire to learn
His communication skills
Are second to none
With his attention to detail
And the desire to learn
He masters the system
And hones his skills
The internet is his playground
As he soars through the
Airwaves with the
Greatest of ease
At first it was entertainment
But now it’s become more
A way to reach others for
Money and more
He calls me each day
To offer a deal
My friends say don’t talk to him’
He is very bad news
He says he loves me and
Calls me each day
If I cant pick up
No worries, he’ll call again
I’m a little confused
What? My friend Jane says
He’s calling her too!
And Suzy and Mary and Betty Lou
My boyfriend Mr Spam
Has just been blocked!