About Us
Since 2004, the Carriage Manor Writers Group has gathered for two hours on Friday mornings to create and share written expressions of things our minds imagine and remember. Join us as we describe emotions, personalities, nature and experiences. Document your family stories, pen a poem, try your hand at a fairy tale or fantasy and enjoy the stories of others.
Meeting Format
Bring an interesting tidbit (word usage, vocabulary, etc.)
Brainstorm writing topics. Read your story. Listen to others.
Respect confidentiality. Encourage Expression and Provide positive feedback. Writers transform everyday topics into magical stories. With diverse backgrounds and individual perspectives, members share unique tales that entertain us, enlighten us and sometimes make us cry with the honesty and truth of life.
Time & Place
Fridays - November 4, 2022 through March 24, 2023
9:30 – 11:30 A.M.
Session Guidelines
Bring an interesting tidbit (word usage, vocabulary, etc.)
Brainstorm writing topics. Read your story. Listen to others.
Respect confidentiality. Encourage Expression and Provide positive feedback. Writers transform everyday topics into magical stories. With diverse backgrounds and individual perspectives, members share unique tales that entertain us, enlighten us and sometimes make us cry with the honesty and truth of life.